
Shogun...errrr...Ronin Showdown 18mm

Autumn is just about here at HQ and I've been plodding away on a few projects. Lots of Russian Civil War and 2nd Boer War painting/planning going on and a couple of new ones in the breech as always. Here is brief spotlight on some cool albeit odd Ronin miniatures. These miniatures (Blue Moon manufactured?) technically may fall under 18mm as they are a bit larger than 15mm but hardly noticeable to the eye. Nice proportions and overall details though some had some wonky and misshapen bits. This was a discount lot on eBay so I didn't ask any questions. Most of these miniatures have a mix of swords, long or mid size. No ranged combat to speak of. A huge chunk of my inspiration for this set came from the crazy talented Sidney Roundwood , who was nice enough to send me some files relating to his 28mm Ronin/Samurai miniatures. For a ruleset I've thought about homebrewing one page rules or using Osprey's ruleset for Ronin, but have yet to decide. Terrain pieces manufactured and

Kentuckians AWI Peter Pig/Stone Mountain 15mm

Happy end of Summer to everyone. Near Labor Day in the states and I've been diligently working on several new and exciting projects. Most recent project finished was 15mm American War of Independence Kentucky militia. These miniatures are for an AWI skirmish game using the snappy ruleset, This Very Ground (Iron Ivan Games) which I first teased in the post  British Rangers & Shawnee, Oh My!  As previously mentioned these are great rules to play with a fun shooting mechanic that is effected by black powder smoke filling the battlefield among other factors. Highly recommended. Peter Pig militia captain and mountain man armed with long rifle Stone Mountain militia These figures are a mix of Peter Pig and some vintage Stone Mountain miniatures which were still on the original blister pack and purchased from eBay. For most of the rank & file militia I used Stone Mountain but for the Kentucky mountain men, elite woodsmen & marksmen, Peter Pig's militia in buckskin. The det

Moroland Patrol

Going back to the jungle again for a different American counterinsurgency campaign, Philippines 1902-1913. In the aftermath of total victory in the Spanish-American War, US forces fight a low intensity war with the native Moro people of the southern Philippines, attempting to impose tax regulations and to disarm the warlike Moros. At first glance, this campaign pitting pre-doughboy US troops against brave Muslim warriors fighting with swords and spears might seem like the typical colonial wargame, and well, maybe it is, but it's at least unique. Miniatures by Bloodaxe (Historifigs) , who offer several different made to order 15mm lines in a few unique periods/settings. These miniatures are lead free pewter, a fact I appreciate now that my eldest little rascal has taken an interest in my tabletop happenings. These specific miniatures are chunky but seem to scale well with other 15mm. We'll take a look at the U.S. troops, Filipino constabularies, and Moro warriors below. I starte

The Other Charlie Company: Flashpoint Viet Cong

Still plugging away with playing and testing some finalized rules for my campaign module, Green Faced Men: Navy Seals in Vietnam when I realized that I had yet to showcase the Viet Cong figures from Flashpoint's Vietnam War line . Like their detailed SEAL counterparts these are truly stellar metal miniatures with many unique sculpts and lots of accurate weapon options. The Other Charlie Company, VC Fireteam Flashpoint The specific pack which I ordered and painted is Local Force VC/NLF Rifle Platoon , 36 figures total but I only painted 26 for my campaign. I also added some booby trap/tunnel/objective markers which look great alongside these figs. The majority are sculpted with bolt action rifles with a few officers carrying Ak's & "found" M-16's. I think my favorite is the older chap with a long beard or the stealthy AK officer pictured below. A handful of RPG teams (I decided against painting the included loaders) and LMG gunners round out this generous set f

GFM: Operation Jolly Woodsmen

Got in a few quick games during the Christmas break testing out my Navy Seals Vietnam module based on Ivan Sorenson's No End in Sight V2 . Gamed a few missions and of those I recorded this game for a quick Battle Report. Codename Operation Jolly Woodsmen, Summer 1968. SEAL OFFICER In this op the SEALS are attempting to take out a pesky sniper the "Woodsmen" who has been harassing allied troops for weeks. Just recently the Woodsmen shot a ARVN colonel mortally wounding him. This is a high value target. The Viet Cong can use three tunnels to traverse the map quickly, setting up ambushes or escaping heavy firepower. If firing more than once from the same position, they reveal their location. If a SEAL figure is equipped with a radio, they can call in artillery fire from nearby naval ships. Fighting Retreat The SEALS gave away their position early after a VC riflemen took the tunnel system and ambushed Delta team. He was quickly silenced after pinning one SEAL in the second t

Men With Green Faces: Flashpoint Vietnam Navy SEALS

Showcasing a finished batch of Flashpoint Miniatures Vietnam Navy Seals. Ready to duke it out over the river ways and brown waters of the Mekong Delta. I purchased a pack each of SEALS and Viet Cong from  Flashpoint  in Australia with the idea of wargaming small skirmish games at squad level. I've tested out the rules and once I refine/customize a bit more, will be writing up a battle report. In the meantime lets check out these awesome figures. The ruleset which I'm using is a modified version  No End in Sight Cold war & modern Platoon Combat v.2 by Ivan Sorensen . These rules place a heavy emphasize on moving cautiously into cover. You fire Shock Dice and Kill Dice hitting on 5-6 & 6 respectfully. The idea here being that most of your firefights would be chaotic with an unseen enemy in a tight quarters jungle environment.  I've added a few simple mechanics to represent the clandestine nature of most of the SEAL missions. Sorensen's rules themself are very flui

Red Falcons v. White Camels BatRep

Greetings all and Happy Fall! Working diligently away at some new homebrew rulesets, some solo campaigns for said rulesets, and miniatures for the long winter ahead. Played a quick game last weekend pitting the Soviet Red Falcon squadron against the RAF intervention force and their White Russian allies. Tested my homebrew rules which I have altered a bit since last sharing this project.  ....Somewhere over Russia, 1919. The rumble of biplanes through the crisp autumn air. Conditions optimal for dogfight. Our White Camel RAF intervention force is led by a White Russian Snipe piloted by the Ace Alexander Kazakoff, a single Camel triplane, and a DH.9 two seater. Their opponents are the flying Great War air museum, the Workers’ and Peoples’ Air Fleet. We'll just call them the Red Falcons for brevity sake. Consisting of a white French Nieuport, German Pfalz, and the squadron leader-the enigmatic Black Baron. Flying a sinister all black Fokker triplane, rumor tells that perhaps he's