
Showing posts from January, 2024

GFM: Operation Jolly Woodsmen

Got in a few quick games during the Christmas break testing out my Navy Seals Vietnam module based on Ivan Sorenson's No End in Sight V2 . Gamed a few missions and of those I recorded this game for a quick Battle Report. Codename Operation Jolly Woodsmen, Summer 1968. SEAL OFFICER In this op the SEALS are attempting to take out a pesky sniper the "Woodsmen" who has been harassing allied troops for weeks. Just recently the Woodsmen shot a ARVN colonel mortally wounding him. This is a high value target. The Viet Cong can use three tunnels to traverse the map quickly, setting up ambushes or escaping heavy firepower. If firing more than once from the same position, they reveal their location. If a SEAL figure is equipped with a radio, they can call in artillery fire from nearby naval ships. Fighting Retreat The SEALS gave away their position early after a VC riflemen took the tunnel system and ambushed Delta team. He was quickly silenced after pinning one SEAL in the second t