
Showing posts from June, 2023

British Rangers & Shawnee, Oh my! Peter Pig AWI

Happy Summertime all. Here is a little peek at some very snazzy Peter Pig AWI Native Americans and their British & Canadian ranger allies. Painted up a small force to battle the locals in the colony of Kentucky circa 1782 during the American war of independence. Calling this upcoming skirmish the Battle of Salt Lick Bend, loosely based on the real Battle of Blue Licks , a defeat nearing massacre for the Kentucky colonials near the tail end of the AWI. The Kentuckians remain on the To Be Painted table however. Led by the irascible “Dirty” Captain Girty, this force includes two units of 10 Native American allies, meant to represent an alliance of many different tribes but primarily the Shawnee and Wyandot, and one detachment of Anglo-Canadian rangers. I may expand to one more unit of Native allies eventually to outnumber the hapless Kentuckians even more. Captain Girty Really enjoying the Peter Pig stuff. I will definitely be purchasing more in several different periods because they