
Showing posts from March, 2023

Ottoman Turks 1462 AD: 15mm DBA

Always wanted to do a DBA ( De Bellis Antiquitatis ) style army to represent both sides of the Ottoman-Wallachian conflict circa 1462-Pitting Sultan Mehmed II, conqueror of Constantinople against Prince Vlad Dracula, voivode of Wallachia. Drew inspiration from the classic Angus Mcbride artworks for these miniatures. Since quite a number of 15mm wargaming blogs have focused on Vlad and his band of merry impaling lads, I reckoned I'd post a few shots of my Ottoman Turks while I work on finishing the last couple elements of Dracula's Wallachians. Sultan Mehmed II Essex Miniatures janissaries Moldavian auxiliary engaging some Wallachian light infantry The Sultan's battle standard next to his silk tent Ottoman Akinji raiders miniatures by Donnington Almost all of these miniatures are from Donnington 'originals'  line save the heavy infantry janissaries and arquebusiers which are from Essex. The Essex miniatures are much more detailed than the chunkier Donningtons, plus